Mia, a 17-year-old from KwaZulu-Natal, has a rare disease that leads to kidney failure and eventually liver failure. Her sister, who shares the same condition, underwent a kidney transplant in 2021. Aware of the strain dialysis had on her sister’s body, the family chose to prepare for a pre-emptive transplant for Mia.

1. Which organ did you receive, and in what year?
A kidney transplant in 2024.

2. How long were you on the waiting list for your organ?
It was a pre-emptive transplant; I was on the waiting list for just over a month.

3. What was life like before the transplant How did you spend your days?
I was always tired, out of breath and had a headache almost every day. I spent most of my days sleeping which was not great for my mental health. Luckily my friends and family were very supportive.

4. Describe the emotions experienced when you were told your donor is a match?
I was overjoyed when my mom told me she was a positive match. And relieved that I could have a chance at a better life. Having had a pre-emptive transplant also meant I did not have to have dialysis.

5. What is life like now, after the transplant?
Some days I find it hard to believe that I had a kidney transplant! Apart from the cool scar and the fact that I have to take immunosuppressant twice a day my life is almost back to normal. I feel a lot more energetic, and I am actually looking forward to starting school again.

6. What advice would you give patients on the waiting list?
Stay positive, and don’t be scared to ask for help emotionally. Emotional health is as important as your physical health.

7. Why do you think there is a shortage of donors in South Africa?
Unless it affects someone close to you, people don’t give organ failure/organ donation much thought. There are also unfortunately a lot of misconceptions about donation.

8. If you could describe transplant in one word, what would it be?



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