Would you like to Donate?
You can donate your organs one day when you pass away, but if you’re really keen to make a difference while you’re still alive, please consider donating financially to TELL.
Get involved
How to become an organ donor
TELL wants to encourage everyone to have the conversation about organ and tissue donation. If a conversation around organ donation has taken place between family members then, getting a family’s consent to donate becomes less stressful as they are more confident that they are honouring the last wishes of their loved one. TELL encourages the public to TELL THEIR TRIBE of their organ donation status so that at a time where consent is needed, family members do not decline due to confusion.
“tell your family, friends and colleagues in person, via social media or e-mail. Here you will find some ideas on how to start the conversation; use newspaper articles, TV, radio programme or social media posts to start the conversation. Tell them why you want to donate your organs, explain how you reached your decision. Your family and friends won’t know how you feel about organ and tissue donation unless you tell them.
The law in South Africa states that you need to make your intentions to donate known. It is important to note that hospitals consult the family concerning a person’s final wishes. This makes it even more important for you to tell your tribe, tell your team and make it known that you want to be a donor.
As an organ donor, you’re clear on what you want to happen when you go. But even if you’ve registered, your wishes may not be fulfilled if your next of kin are unaware of your intentions.
Make sure you have the conversation that matters most. Make sure you #makeitknown!
If you are ready to tell your tribe that you are an organ donor, send this image via pigeon, WhatsApp or Social Media
Contribute financially
(monthly or once off)
You can donate your organs one day when you pass away, but if you’re really keen to make a difference while you’re still alive, please consider donating financially to TELL.
All funds received will go towards projects that will enable us to reach our goals of educating the healthcare professionals, raising awareness with the public and advocacy for transplant recipients and patients on the waiting list. You can donate via the following channels:
– Electronic fund transfer
Here are our banking details.
Bank details
Name: Transplant Education for Living Legacies NPO
Bank: First National Bank (FNB)
Account type: Cheque
Account no: 62818725775
Branch code: 250655
Swift code: FIRNZAJJ
Once off or recurring donations.
Payments are secured by Payfast
Make a donation with your debit or credit card using the link https://pay.yoco.com/transplant-education-for-living-legacies.
Payments are secured by Yoco.
Make a bequest
A bequest is a wonderful way of contributing. When remembering the Transplant Education for Living Legacies (TELL) in a will, donors have the option of drafting a new will or adding a codicil to an existing will. Transplant Education for Living Legacies is registered as a Public Benefit Organisation which means that registered taxpayers in South Africa may claim the amount of their donation against their taxable income.
Once off donation
monthly subscription
We are always excited about getting more volunteers on board! Our volunteers mostly consist of patients pre- and post – transplant, however anyone can assist!
Our volunteers help us in the following ways:
● Representing TELL at specific events – handing out pamphlets and engaging with people.
● Sharing their story (if they are a patient) to medical staff or at other occasions where we are invited to give a talk.
● Promoting and sharing our campaigns on social media and assisting us with getting people involved.
● Assisting with admin work.
Ask us to TELL you about organ donation
Book us for a talk via video call for schools, corporate wellness days or awareness events)
We would love to do a presentation on organ/tissue donation and share our own personal stories at any corporate wellness day, school event, fundraiser function or other gathering in most big cities or surrounding areas. We are also available for radio or TV interviews, and have access to a variety of transplant patients and doctors who regularly assist us with media interviews.
For enquiries contact us.
You can donate your organs one day when you pass away, but if you’re really keen to make a difference while you’re still alive, please consider donating financially to TELL.
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Email: info@tell.org.za
Call: +27 827852530