Rita Koning donated a kidney to her son, Siegfried and we told her story on our #TransplantTuesday feature last week. Read what impact the donation had on Siegfried, as the recipient of his mom’s kidney.

Siegfried König is 41 years old and lives mostly in Pretoria

1. Which organ did you receive, and in what year?
Kidney, 16 January 2015.

2. How long were you on the waiting list for your organ?
I was never on a waiting list. When I was informed by my doctor that I need to look for a donor, my mom was immediately available and a match.

3. What was life like before the transplant? How did you spend your days?
I was working fulltime up to a month before the transplant, but did struggled with tiredness, severe cramps and gout.

4. Describe the emotions experienced when you were told your donor is a match?
My mom and I  went through the same emotions. After the initial blood test to see if we are a match it was a 2 year period of tests and being patient before the transplant finally took place. We were both constantly amazed and grateful that everything just went smoothly. 

5. What is life like now, after the transplant?
Apart from the daily medication I lead a normal life. I was back fulltime working 6 weeks after the transplant. I play golf on a regular basis as well as lawn bowls. 

6. What advice would you give patients on the waiting list? 
Never give up hope or faith.

7. Why do you think there is a shortage of donors in South Africa?
Unsure of what to expect. Fear of the unknown, not enough knowledge.

8. If you could describe transplant in one word, what would it be? 




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