On #TransplantTuesday we feature the story of Lolly Mamahlodi, 32 years old, from Mamelodi Pretoria.

1. Which organ/tissue did you receive, and in what year?

I was diagnosed with End Stage Renal Failure in October 2007 and received a kidney transplant in July 2011. It’s been 9 beautiful years of my successful kidney transplant.

2. How long were you on the waiting list for your organ?
I was on the waiting list for 4 years.

3. What was life like before the transplant? How did you spend your days?
Difficult, exhausting. I was always tired. Going on dialysis three times a week for four hours a session was tiring and very emotional. I was still a student, and I could only go for dialysis after my classes so was on the last session of the day. I could not see my friends and family as I wanted. It was a very difficult.

4. Describe the emotions experienced when you received “The Call” for your transplant?
I could not believe it. I waited for that day everyday of my life. I was overwhelmed with emotions.

5. What is life like now, after the transplant?
Life is now normal. I can now drink more than 2 litres of water a day, I can go on holiday, I can visit my family and friends.

6. What advice would you give patients on the waiting list?
Never lose hope. It happened to me and it surely will happen to you. Have faith.

7. Why do you think there is a shortage of donors in South Africa?
Lack of knowledge. People do not know how important donating organs it is to people who need them.

8. If you could describe transplant in one word, what would it be?



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